Radical Self-Love is HERE!

Radical Self-Love is HERE!

 My winter project has come to fruition and I am pleased to share with you that my new book, Radical Self-Love, Live a Vibrant Life Beyond Fear and Limitation is published! I wrote this book for two really important reasons.  The first was that in the work I do, the...
A Little Spring Energy Cleaning

A Little Spring Energy Cleaning

Happy Spring! Finally, spring has arrived, and we can move out of hibernation and step into the light of longer days with uplifted spirits and energy.    I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t be happier to leave the dark cold winter behind me, step into...
Words, Words, Beautiful Words

Words, Words, Beautiful Words

My life is full of words.  The work I do as a hypnotherapist, meditation teacher and now as I write my first book means the words I choose are super important.  Words have a power and an energy — they can lift you up or bring you down.   Feeling Inspired?...