
Niki Hughes at Elemental Balance is always creating new programs to address emotional and physical healing and to support your empowerment!

Watch for new programs & packages.


Into YOUR Light Weight Management Program

The Into YOUR Light weight management program is now an individual five session program.

Gaining or retaining extra weight is a symptom of something deeper; the real culprit is an underlying cause and need.   Full and complete success to reduce and manage weight requires the root cause to be addressed and the emotional and energetic blocks removed.

Over five sessions, using hypnotherapy, breathwork, mindfulness and energy balancing (or coaching if you are an online client) you will create a strong foundation for your success. This unique program comes with a full workbook and four hypnosis recordings to strengthen your change in between sessions.

On Solid Ground program for Anxiety Management

If you struggle with fear, anxiety and the effects of trauma and stress, On Solid Ground is a unique four session program that will help you to understand and release negative emotion, drain trauma and remove fear blocks.

Using hypnotherapy, breathwork, mindfulness tools and energy balancing (substitute coaching if you are an online client), you will gain insight, learn new tools to build practical everyday skills to bring down anxiety, and create a calm, grounded foundation for your journey forward.

This unique program comes with a workbook and three mindfulness meditation recordings to strengthen your connection to self and the groundedness of the present moment.

Hypnotic Birthing Program  

There is nothing more exciting than bringing a new life into the world, and at the same time labour and delivery can be both an exciting and scary prospect!   Most moms-to-be envision a calm, relaxed and peaceful  birth experience as they plan to bring their babies into the world. A hypnotic birthing experience takes advantage of the self-empowerment and creation of inner resources that hypnosis makes possible.

A five session program using hypnosis and mindful hypnosis tools, the Hypnotic Birthing program layers internal skills and resources to remove fears and limiting beliefs, manage pain, build confidence and stamina for labour, delivery and parenting, improve postpartum recovery and balance hormones, develop sleep management skills for after baby’s arrival, all within the foundation of the number one goal of being in a calm, relaxed and peaceful state under any circumstances.

What’s New?

When Spiritual Awakening Becomes a Spiritual Emergency

When Spiritual Awakening Becomes a Spiritual Emergency

Our World is Waking Up A spiritual awakening or emergence is a process of waking up to the realization that you are more than just a physical body. It’s the process of becoming aware of your true nature as a spiritual being.  When you emerge, or wake up, you are...

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Bringing In Your Soul Gifts

Bringing In Your Soul Gifts

How Are You Expanding? Life is a journey of continuous expansion, and as we navigate our path, it’s essential to recognize and embrace the gifts that we bring in from the soul. These gifts serve as tools to help us realize our purpose on Earth and create deeper...

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