My client didn’t come with any particular goals, she was just curious about what might come up.
As a psychic medium, hypnotherapist, past life regressionist, Reiki Master and generally very spiritually connected person, she was open to whatever needed to come to the surface that would help her in her life. Wow – what a great client to work with!
Let the Unconscious Mind Lead
On this month’s Past Life Explorers radio show, you will meet Siobhan, my special guest for March. Although she was willing to just let whatever was needed to come up, we dug in a bit and discovered Siobhan was under a lot of stress going through a house sale and making decisions about relocation. This stress was a gift for our session – yes, a gift – as it left Siobhan with little to no time to think about what she wanted to know and allowed her to be excited and curious about whatever her unconscious mind wanted her to experience and heal.
This kind of openness and letting the unconscious mind really lead can make for a most incredible session with a huge depth of learning. Siobhan’s was no exception!
Intense Trauma, Big Growth
Listen in as the show takes you through my work with Siobhan where she steps into a very difficult and (thankfully) short past life where she experiences physical and sexual abuse (* warning, although not reviewed in detail, some of this content may be difficult for some listeners*). These abuses impact her ability to feel her worth and to connect to her feminine power.
From a prison cell, to a diamond mine, to a work camp, this life was intense, required great mental and physical strength and along the way created four significant blocks that she brought with her into this life.
Bring Back the Positive
As we move through the show you will hear audio clips of Siobhan’s past life session and come with us as we move through and remove the blocks to allow worthiness, safety, empowered choice, feminine power, and a strong trusting voice back IN.
Listen in to find out her deep learning and the special message she takes away with her – hint: balance is one of her keys …. and you will hear she got a nice surprise with another key!
Listen to the archive of the March 24 Past Life Explorers Show on the News for the Soul Broadcast Radio Network by clicking the picture below.

To access all of the show archives, click the picture below and choose the ‘Archives’ tab.

At the end of the show I announced TWO great things.
The first was the Past Life Explorers ‘Listener’s Lottery’.
You can win a free full past life regression session with me AND come on the show! All you have to do to enter is send me an email at by the first of the month. That’s it! Just send an email and let me know you want to be entered.
The lucky winner will be chosen shortly after and from there we schedule our full two hour session and then …it’s on with the show.
The second was my special savings offer.
At my site SHOP you will find high-quality hypnosis and meditation products to help you explore and create positive change in your life. Use the coupon code EXPLORERS for an instant 20% savings.
The SHOP has 60 minute Past Life Regression recordings for love, abundance, physical health, emotional health and building new skills as well as hypnosis recordings for energy balancing and mindfulness meditation. Heal and grow at home – my gift to you!
Want to Connect?
If you have questions about the show, how I help people remove fear blocks and the things that are holding them back, or if you want to know more about how a past life regression can help YOU, drop me an email at
Thanks for listening – stay safe and keep exploring!