Carrying what no longer serves you can be a very heavy burden, especially when it is from another lifetime. On this month’s Past Life Explorers radio show, meet Angella, my special guest and someone who discovered through her past life regression that she was carrying so much more than she needed to.
When I met Angella, she wanted to understand some physical ailments, a back injury and her weight. She said she had struggled with carrying extra weight her whole life. Just before we started she added that she wanted to see if the past held any clues to issues with relationships and trust. We had lots to work with, and I was very curious to see how her unconscious mind would serve up the right time and place for deep understanding.
The Unconscious Mind Delivers
Angella went into a cabin long ago, somewhere in the mid-west. Each move forward in that lifetime was full of incredible detail, right down to describing the clothing in each scene.
Listen in as we move through time where Angella discovers and releases long held issues affecting her weight in THIS life and discovers some interesting associations that relate to her aloneness. Some wonderful themes emerge, and I will give you hint: a black sun and the climate. You will have to listen to get more!
A Full Immersion
Unlike last month where Pat was an observer of her past lifetime, Angella was so fully immersed in the past life body that even her voice and level of maturity changed as she aged through the events.
As we move through the show you will hear audio clips of Angella’s past life session, hear Angella talk about the impact of these experiences and discover the deep learning she takes forward with her now. You will be surprised as we uncover all of the layers of learning – I know I was!
Listen to the archive of the November 25 Past Life Explorers Show on the News for the Soul Broadcast Radio Network by clicking the picture below.

If you have questions about the show, how I help people remove and let go of what holds them back or how a past life regression can help YOU, drop me an email at
Thanks for listening – stay safe and keep exploring!