My client summed up her life as one of misfortune and trauma.
At 67, Pat felt her life had been moving from one unfortunate thing to another, and early on as a young child, she had lost her desire to ‘want more’ for herself. Having suffered with agoraphobia, chronic depression and anxiety, Pat recently started to search for ways to let go and find her way back into happiness and purpose again.
Remove it from the present — to get through to the past.
On this month’s Past Life Explorers radio show, Pat is our special guest. The show takes you through my work with Pat where we released long held trauma and then into past life work to open Pat up to new resources to go forward with.
Trauma, as Pat learned, can be debilitating and keep you stuck. Energetically you are ‘tight’ and the mind, through fight, flight or freeze, is on hypervigilant safety mode. Imagine trying to relax and get into hypnosis in this state. Pat had been told for years to meditate – incredibly difficult! On the show we talked about the ways we were able to get Pat to ‘pause’ and bring down the anxiety so that we could do this important work together.
You don’t need to re-experience it.
Listen in to hear how we released the trauma ‘content free’, meaning neither Pat or myself had to revisit the traumatic events, which is a compassionate and healthy way to heal. No re-traumatizing! Pat had an amazing journey of healing during this trauma work. You will hear all about that journey and her special message of ‘You can be in the world just with what you are – you are enough’.
Next up, the past.
If that wasn’t enough great healing, we went on a past life journey where Pat experienced positivity and the creation of new resources to help her reshape her life. Listen in and learn how this experience was connected to a special colour that relates to her will to become who she was meant to be – her very identity.
Move ahead full steam!
As we move through the show you will hear audio clips of Pat’s past life session and hear the deep learning she takes forward with her now. A big hint – desire and wanting are back.
Pat and I chatted off the air about another area of her life that has had great change – her connection to animals and ability to communicate with them. She is open now and has space for new and wonderful things to come into her life. As the days and weeks ahead unfold I just know Pat will have all kinds of new and positive changes and experiences showing up.
Listen to the archive of the October 28 Past Life Explorers Show on the News for the Soul Broadcast Radio Network by clicking the picture below.

At the end of the show I announced TWO great things.
The first is the extension of our News for the Soul ‘Listener’s Lottery’ where you could win a free full past life regression session with me AND come on the show! All you have to do to enter is send me an email at by end of day Tuesday November 3, 2020. The lucky winner will be chosen shortly after and from there we schedule our full two hour session and then …….it’s on with the show.
The second is that I am doing a workshop at the Intuitive Arts Festival Online, about – you guessed it – Exploring Past Lives. The online festival is the weekend of Nov 6, 7, 8. Tickets are $30 CANADIAN which gives you access to a full weekend of amazing workshops and their recordings, along with access to exhibitors (psychics, readers, healers) and an online shopping channel. Bring some light to these dark November days and get your ticket now!
Come and Play!
If you have questions about the show, how I help people remove TRAUMA or specifically how a past life regression can help YOU, drop me an email at
Thanks for listening – stay safe and keep exploring!