Fear IS the ultimate four letter F word.
It can be ugly and manifest enormous difficulties in your life. When it hits, we feel it in our hearts, our stomachs, our heads! It keeps us small, it keeps us stuck. It has many faces — fear of abandonment, aloneness, being visible, speaking up, being judged, being powerful. It underlies almost every difficulty you have ever experienced.
There two states of being.
You can be with LOVE and all the emotions that surround it (compassion, gratitude, grace, joy, hope) or be with FEAR and the emotions that surround it (anxiety, anger, hopelessness, depression).
Look back to understand FEAR.
On this months Past Life Explorers Show, we explore FEAR with our special guest Celane. Celane and I worked together earlier in the month and did a past life regression where she ended up in a life in medieval times. This lifetime helped Celane understand being stuck, her relationship with fear and trust, and allowed her to find and let go of blocks.
There was an interesting twist in the regression related to fear and how it was showing up in Celane’s current life. Listen in and find out about her medieval life and how experiencing this has changed Celane’s current life in wonderful ways!
Listen to the archive of the July 22 Past Life Explorers Show on the News for the Soul Broadcast Radio Network by clicking the picture below. It was a challenging beginning to the show with some technical issues and so be patient or skip ahead as the show starts at about 6.5 min!

Fear breeds complication, chaos, confusion, and sometimes apathy.
Confront fear with its own secret – in Celane’s case her ability to be safe and trust – and fear loses power over you. When you experience and confront fear, you can then uncover and connect to the inner strengths of the situation.
Like Celane, you can take back your life and stand on your own power, fully connected to powerful inner resources and be the true master of your own destiny.
At the end of the show I announced a super special offer – the extension of our News for the Soul ‘Listener’s Lottery’ where you could win a free full past life regression session with me AND come on the show!
It’s easy to play.
Send an email to niki@pastlifeexplorers.com with your name, phone number and a very brief sentence on the issue you would like to address. You only need to submit once – just make sure you submit by end of day July 31, 2020 when the lottery closes (if you submitted in July you will automatically be entered). The lucky winner will be chosen and notified shortly after July 31. From there we schedule our full two hour session and then it’s on with the show.
It could be YOU!
If you are ready for a past life regression experience to create transformation in your life, this is your opportunity.
Come and Play.
If you have questions about the show, how I help people move beyond FEAR or specifically how a past life regression can help YOU, drop me an email at niki@pastlifeexplorers.com.
Thanks for listening – stay safe and keep exploring!